Best creams for black marks and acne

« ...There are acne fighting products that work by drying up acne spots. These are best used at night. They effectively shrink blemishes. These products, however, must only be used on areas that are affected by acne; they may cause side effects when used on areas that are clear of acne....
...Because OTC (over the counter) pimple remedies contain chemicals foreign to the skin, you can do more harm than good while using them. Your skin works hard to maintain the proper pH and OTC products often upset the complexion's delicate balance. When this happens, your glands often produce even more oil, resulting in more pimples. It's a vicious cycle that can usually be broken only by abandoning the medicines that keep your acne under control. But you have to do something, right? Look to your kitchen for everything you need to treat your pimples, gently and naturally!...»
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«...To start with, let's look at the old time favorite acne treatment method, the method of placing a towel over one's face and allowing hot steam onto the face. With a treatment option such as this, one needs to be very careful not to burn the face with scolding hot steam. The main objective with this method is to allow the front layer of the skin to shed, however one needs to be careful so as to ensure that burning doesn't occur as a result....»
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tags: how to treat acne fast, eat tomato for acne, lazer treatment for adult acne