Food allergy causing acne

« ...There have been huge improvements over the years that have made some over the counter medicines a great choice for homemade acne treatment. But some of the products will cause skin irritation to people. One of those choices is rubbing alcohol. This will effectively remove oils, makeup and dirt from your skin. Use a cotton ball and put some rubbing alcohol onto it. Rubbing alcohol is great because it not only dries the skin of oil, but it will kill the bacteria-causing germs. Since bacteria are the thing that causes most acne, so it's a great choice to keep the skin free of dangers....
...Treating the Various Etiologic FactorsFemale acne patients respond well to hormonal therapy, such as oral contraceptives.Male acne patients are not good candidates for hormonal therapy because of the risk for feminizing disorders.To unclog the pores and normalize keratinization, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can be used, but the most potent and effective agents for this indication are the retinoids.Other than the hormonal aspects, retinoids address every area of acne pathogenesis - including inflammation.The proliferation of P acnes can be controlled with antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, and the retinoids....»
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«...There are certain stimulants that lead to rosacea outbreaks or are aggravating factors for the condition, so it is good to know and avoid them. The most common ones are spicy foods, alcohol, hot beverages, sun exposure or heat....»
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tags: what's a quick remedy for acne, best proven at home acne scar treatment, how long before retin-a starts to clear up acne