Head and shoulder acne

« ...Keep your face oil-free. Oil on your face allows the acne-causing bacteria to grow. So after you sweat, or whenever else your face gets oily, splash your face with water, then dry off with a towel. This will get rid of most of the oil, assuming your completely dry your face off....
...The cause of acne is hormonal imbalance and / or toxins that build up in your blood. Teens and kids get acne because of the hormone changes that come with puberty. As you grow up and your body begins to develop, these hormones stimulate the sebaceous gland to make more sebum, and the gland can become overactive. When there is too much sebum, that oil clogs the pores and leads to acne....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...Skin irritation is possible....»
Full Text: http://acne-types.blogspot.com

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