Mineral oil bad for acne

« ...Many things in the kitchen have medicinal uses. Something as simple as the oatmeal can actually be used as an acne reducing mask. If you want to try a homemade acne mask, simply combine a half cup of quick cook oats with enough honey to make a pastel. Apply gently to your face and then allow it to dry for about fifteen minutes. Once it has dried, you can remove the mask with a wet wash cloth. As you remove it, you should gently rotate the cloth in tight circles over the surface of your face. This procedure will allow the oatmeal to exfoliate your skin....
...Is there a true acne home remedy? The thing all these acne home remedies have in common is that they all tell you to apply to your skin. VERY IMPORTANT: Understand that acne is an internal problem. Yes, some people can get some temporary relief with some of these acne home remedies but until you address the internal issues acne will continue to be a problem....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...Aside from knowing your skin type, you should also know just how severe your acne condition is at the moment. Some herbal products come with properties that can be harmful to acne that is already of the severe nature. Other herbal products would have properties that are too strong for mild or moderate acne. Your dermatologist can still greatly help you in this aspect....»
Full Text: http://how-remove-acne.blogspot.com

tags: treatment foe acne scar for black people, tips for getting rid of acne scar, different skin care producks for acne