Acne on my neck

« ...Baby acne is not genetic; it's just the reaction to hormones. Just because your baby has acne as a newborn does not mean he/she will have it as an adult. ...
...Protecting yourself from the sun is important if you wish to prevent acne scarring. Even though a tanned or burnt face will make it appear as though you have no acne... when that tan or burn dies down your face will look worse than it originally did. So apply sunscreen and wear a protective hat whenever you go out into that glaring sun....»
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«...Acne scars are oftentimes hard to prevent. And when they appear, all you can do is to treat it promptly and appropriately. Scars caused by acne can be treated in several ways, one of which is the dermatologic treatment. However, always remember the importance of consulting a dermatologist first before undergoing any kind of treatment....»
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tags: drink gallons of water to get rid of acne, acne products for pregnant women, bad acne nothing works