Acne skin care tips

« ...If you are suffering from acne then you are not alone. There are literally thousands of people who wake up in the mornings and find it very difficult to even look in the mirror because they are scared of the image they will see. I had this experience several months ago and am very proud to say my acne is all gone and never to come back....
...Prescription treatments are prescribed by a dermatologist and can include ointments for application on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical ointment. In more serious cases your skin care specialist may decide that a small surgical procedure can be used to remove the oil and infection from your pores. You are warned never to attempt this yourself as it could lead to serious skin problems....»
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«...Acne vulgaris, commonly called acne, is a skin condition that effects most people at some time in their lives. It can occur during adolescence and into the adult years. Characterized by blackheads, whiteheads and blemishes of varying severity, acne vulgaris can be a minor problem or a major one....»
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tags: remedies to get rid of acne and acne scars, best solutions for acne scars, acne vulgaris the causes