Vegan causes acne

« ...Sebum is a natural skin oil, which is generated by the sebaceous glands, and it both protects and waterproofs your skin and hair. Its production is accelerated by hormonal activity after puberty. The hormones responsible are believed to be the androgens, or male hormones, present in both men and women, but much higher in men....
...• Washing your face 1583 times a day. I know you have heard somewhere from someone that if you have acne, you should wash your face a thousand times. That is bad advice. Do not wash your face more than 3 times a day and use only the cleansers that suit your skin type....»
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«...Even mild cases of acne can leave a person with a negative self-image. Sometimes it can go well beyond the degree of the actual physical appearance. These negative feelings are particularly prevalent when you have a concentration of lesions on your face, which is your greeting card and introduction to the world. Unlike many other skin conditions, acne lesions wind up on areas that often aren't concealed by clothing....»
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tags: homemade face mask for acne, eat turmeric in breakfast for acne, herbs for acne